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What are the characteristics of inte對明rnational air transp要我ortation?

time :2022-08-18 author : from: scanning : classify :Industry 話分Information
There are a l離妹ot of international exchanges黃放 of goods, and the circul黑遠ation or exchang窗司e of such goods is also very important電書, which can deepen international ex如科changes. Internati線高onal air transport場又ation has won a c美在onsiderable market with its rapid,

 There are a lot of int銀機ernational exchanges of 河作goods, and the circulation or exch電人ange of such goods is also聽我 very important, which can有去 deepen internation下吃al exchanges. International air trans著業portation has won a co新亮nsiderable market with its ra老妹pid, safe and punctual efficiency, gre劇區atly shortening the deliver行和y time, and is characteriz上兵ed by speed and mobility嗎離. It is an indispensable way for the t章內ransportation of valuable城樹 articles, fresh goods and precision 還機instruments in international tra歌的de. Next, I will g劇子ive you a detailed introduction to中城 the characteristi房業cs of international air tra低舞nsportation.


1. Fast delivery speed:

The flight speed 明爸of aircraft is generally above 6拍公00 km/h. Compared with other mea事不ns of transport, such as cars, trains, 見到ships, etc., it has t西見he advantage of fast speed.

2. Not affected by ground condition相短s:

It is very suitable for綠湖 inland areas with poor ground 事資conditions and inconv化頻enient transportation, whi校務ch is conducive to the im白習port and export of resou關北rces and promote the 作笑development of local economy.

3. Save on packaging, insurance制醫, interest and oth會刀er costs:

Due to the use of air 姐見transport, the goods in 拍來the way of short time, fast t個睡urnover speed, enterpris請們e inventory can be reduced accordingly,村秒 on the one hand is conducive to t錢能he recovery of funds,做通 reduce interest東吃 expenses, on the other hand, enter是亮prise storage costs can also be redu計慢ced. Air transportat水時ion safety/accuracy/less car一服go damage/loss, lower insura短北nce cost

4. Low breakage rate and good s快朋afety.

Since the price of air cargo is rela那下tively high and the operation proces厭我s is much more strict than other見頻 modes of transportation, the breakag的物e rate of goods is very low in the河理 whole process of志機 cargo transporta歌業tion. Compared wi煙區th other modes of transportation, 化微air transportation is relativ那低ely high in safety.

The characteristics of internat開我ional air transpo樹議rtation include fast delivery sp紅器eed, not affected by ground conditi路得ons, saving packaging, ins家但urance, interes哥玩t and other costs, low breakage rate書北, good security, etc., I ho街能pe this article to understand the術服 international ai頻白r transportation 行亮has more help! For more info相空rmation about international 靜務air freight, please pay more attention 市不to our website!