Hello, welcome to the official w好答ebsite of Shenzhen Hengzhiyuan S議很upply Chain Co., LTD.
Shenzhen Hengzhiyuan 和市Supply Chain Co. LTD
Shenzhen HENGZHI制的YUAN SUPPLY CHA從間IN CO., LTD IS AN INTERNATIO雪讀NAL FREIGHT FORWARDER APPROVED BY T快又HE Ministry OF Com人熱merce, THE Ministry OF COMMUN短那ICATIONS AND THE Ge個答neral Administration OF Cust美微oms. Specialized in 河暗international s如議hipping import and export FCL a學章nd LCL cargo, international imp男如ort and export air freight, Ama站飛zon FBA header, and other international的大 transportation agent business. We can也劇 provide our customer個喝s with professional, high-機麗quality and tailor-made comprehen離裡sive services in妹明 logistics. It CAN IMPROVE THE風些 CAPACITY OF import and export c們光argo collection and distribution業器, reduce the tr朋村ansportation co唱關st, ensure the transportation s笑大afety of the go看少ods, and accurately arrive at 唱場the customer's design林化ated place.
Hengzhiyuan supply chain provides cont老拿ainer shipping, bulk LCL, inte不到rnational air t玩劇ransportation, FBA hea時也der, China-Hong Kong做笑 transportation, ware樹房housing and handling, cust和高oms declaration 少件agency, inspecti大音on agency, freight insurance, import an東務d export agency and other不知 services. It is a下讀n integrated international l都草ogistics enterpri錯拿se with outstand但綠ing characteristics and comprehensiv如身e services in South China.會科 The service covers Shenz有北hen, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Shantou,都線 Zhongshan, Shanghai, Ningbo and ot美著her cities. International agent ne知人twork throughout Europe,東森 the United State照個s, Southeast Asia and C花男entral and South America, to provide樹兒 the world's major cit鐘腦ies and ports of c線木ustoms clearance, transshipment, 媽訊freight to pay, double clearan坐東ce to gate servi上生ces and import freight, import黃司 clearance and other services.
Our COMPANY IS RELYING 店遠ON THE THREE MAJOR maritime por志也ts of Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Guan術老gzhou, with the h白議elp of inland trailer and Ch購也ina and Hong Kong ton car,放很 to provide customers with Hong 司路Kong/Shenzhen/G民我uangzhou import and export transpo懂嗎rtation around 家熱the clock. Relying ON HIGH QUALI自行TY SHIPPING PROFESSIONALS, VIGOROUSLY D吧不EVELOP THE foreign a什票gent network, and constantly develop TH朋雪E import AND expor拍信t shipping, import and expo朋月rt air transport, China-Hong Kong tran錯林sport and import customs clearance fr爸做eight market. At the sa說事me time, aiming at the maritime mar地謝ket of small and medium-sized 還件enterprises in the 生兵Pearl River Delta, we provide one-stop老個 services such as l為朋and transportation, wa黑弟rehousing, customs decla低照ration and commo聽人dity inspection. Through d雜國iversified Marine value-added servic飛資es, we can improve 可見the comprehensive service qual師那ity and find a win-wi生火n combination point between筆在 logistics enterpris慢動es and customers in th好街e contradictory u科文nity of service an不朋d profit. Through smal關藍l profits and quick sales and good厭間 faith management, we strive for the 說輛advantage of contract freight rate wit歌白h large volume, i離道n order to reduce the logistics cost o資時f enterprises, and 得大gain the trust of customers with good f店海aith.
Shenzhen Hengzhiyu數有an Supply Chain Co., Ltd. is root校關ed in Shenzhen, 金下facing the country, mi來到nd the world, with a young 現子and professional, innovative 金們and pragmatic team. I好弟t is continuing to 學光expand the network老到 on a large scale. At the same time, w在媽e are doing our best t大都o reserve and cultiv做書ate talents to lay the foundation 理時for the further exp喝數ansion of our business.
Corporate culture: pr跳這ofessional value creation, s要雪ustainable management;文年 All-round to meet customer n做機eeds, we look forward to working with p訊術artners, customers, agents to快低 grow together, w裡技in-win cooperation.
Company vision: To maintain the 紙玩leading position in 家服the shipping and 煙員logistics indus嗎跳try, maintain honest and mutual trust內雨 relationship wi喝個th customers, employees and partne鐵都rs, and maximize the r讀妹eturn to societ新女y, shareholders and employees.
Enterprise mission: Think what yo討金u want, improve yourself. Provide 線玩competitive global logistics 作外solutions and services, continue to cr男男eate maximum value 他拿for customers;
Enterprise spirit:家為 unity, cooperation and win-win;
Management philosophy: team輛議 spirit to create mira歌山cles; Common devel身相opment, share success;
Values: Follow the 那是principles of hon如哥esty and trustworthines公在s and fair trading to safeguar的月d the interests of the company and分體 the client.