In international air transport, some 窗場items are specia員計l or dangerous, so it is necessary哥我 to obtain an air transport i照們dentification report 遠地before they can 電快be transported abroad.
I. Powder items
Powder items, common 頻金in all kinds of cosmetics, such下用 as powder, rouge, eye shadow, p器這owder and so on. Although such items唱開 do not adversely af農訊fect aircraft in international ai一麗r transport, the powder itself is diff舊村icult to detect and can門相 be easily used by cr城數iminals to transp女藍ort drugs. Therefore, such 讀化items require air trans高票port identification t體讀o confirm the nature of the item.
Powder items due to the special items, 視河aviation flights will no科器t undertake. If you wa哥窗nt to mail to fore窗她ign countries, you need to use 飛件the logistics channel that can undert錯朋ake cosmetics
Two, containing electr工可ical goods
Electric goods, refers to 視有the goods containing batteries, this 動匠kind of goods can be seen everyw呢讀here in our daily life. For examp兵件le, smart phones, laptops, Bl快一uetooth headsets, tablets, ga讀劇me consoles, Bluetooth speak學數ers, etc., cover a wide range. 鄉些The main reason that items containing火地 electricity also need to be多村 certified by air is that the小市y contain lithium batter通中ies, which can easily produ門農ce flammable gases鄉金 during air trans冷火port and pose a th雨算reat to aircraft.
Electric products not only need to b慢姐e certified by air tr朋金ansport, but also need correspondi業村ng air transpor訊工t channels before t近窗hey can be mailed t關她o foreign countries水又. For example, H睡學ong Kong DHL, Hong Kong U草技PS, Hong Kong fedex, Netherla劇那nds package, etc., can undertake 老裡built-in battery, battery and eve北少n pure battery products.
Third, liquid goods
Liquid goods, refers to the goods con很那taining liquid, common shampoo, body 老木wash, perfume, face ma事子sk, canned, alc煙去ohol, etc. Such goods, like goods cont都大aining electricity, are at risk in air 家工transport. There are南對 two major transportation r兵笑isks. On the one hand, liqu區土ids are prone to gasification鄉票 and explosion during transport媽問ation, and on the other hand, some 商年liquid items are inherently dangero鄉腦us, such as alcohol.
Therefore, the international air tra著城nsportation of liquids also req器鄉uires the air transportation 到計identification report. As wit站笑h goods containing 區銀electricity, they also ne光討ed to use specific logis行習tics channels when they are maile要離d, otherwise they canno科雪t be mailed to fo農朋reign countries. C你討an undertake liquid chan科個nels are the Netherlands mai跳國l package, Shenzhen E 動少post Bao, Guangzhou registration, K 科生post Bao, the United State師多s special line.
Four, containing magnetic goods
Containing magnetic items, also 慢多need to do air identif藍醫ication. There are four kinds of comm時樹on items containing magnetism, one 紙女is material, such as magn舞頻etic rigidity, magnet, magnet.到個 One is audio, such as microphones,術的 speakers, loudspeakers, r嗎站adios and so on. A type讀東 of motor, electric fan, mot鄉店or, engine, electric 樹錢vehicle, scooter. The latte海科r category is other magnetic i爸哥tems, such as compass, redu低謝cer, lift accessories, etc.