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Amazon FBA is going to charge for 海玩long-term storage again

time :2022-08-18 author : from: scanning : classify :Company Information
There are still two months to go bef女個ore the Lunar New Year. As an Amaz頻謝on seller, we should pay s銀話pecial attention to the storage訊從 cost of Amazon, because花如 on February 15th 舊土and August 15th every year, Amazon內就 FBA starts long-term storage cost, w件去hich is not sma但做ll,

There are still two months to go before員內 the Lunar New Year. As an A作山mazon seller, we should pay s女場pecial attention to the storage cost o慢從f Amazon, because on Feb長熱ruary 15th and August 15th every yea機美r, Amazon FBA starts long中店-term storage cost, whi短頻ch is not small, and the in兒現ventory partners 歌時need to clear the inventory immedi嗎謝ately.

1. What is the cha空些rging standard of Amazon FBA l答報ong-term storage f唱謝ee?

$11.25 per cubic foot (181 to 365弟月 days)

$22.50 per cubic foot (over服黑 365 days)

Where can I find out how m兵家uch long-term storage fee will文中 be charged?

In the lower right 新呢corner of Amazon background hom了謝e page: inventory planning; Click on Lo和內ng Term Storage charges.

Amazon FBA is going to charge for l技雜ong-term storage again

2. How should sellers cope地錯 with Amazon's厭會 FBA long-term storage costs?

1. Check the reasons for unsaleab近來le products

Is the demand of the product n玩這ot high? Not clearly務嗎 communicating the valu厭路e of the product? Listing informa服家tion not attractive? T來拿oo high a price? Keyword relevanc議空e is not strong and so on. Look技銀 for one or two obvious factors地中, correct them, a光年nd see if that le術請ads to transformation.

2. Promote products that wil低家l be in stock for 6 or 12 months

If some products are going to be elig車門ible for long-term l生拍iquidation twice a year, the美得 seller may consider running so相就me promotional activities to街廠 drive sales.

3. Create a Remova吧從l Order to remove inventory

If all else fails and Amazon's liqu少子idation date looms內站, sellers may also wa費音nt to consider disposi微服ng of some inventory. Create a金離 Removal Order to let Amazon return空生 the product or destro西老y it. The best wa暗商y to do this is to calculate and anal議大yze what you can do to min少船imize the cost loss.

4. Stock up outside of Amazo廠分n's warehouses

Another approach is to store從上 products outside of Amazon's 體校warehouses. By placing products 日來in a place where they ca日鐘n be easily shipped, sellers need to 在厭keep only a small amount of inventory還會 in Amazon's warehouses, min通店imizing warehousing cost就問s while also quickly sh學分ipping products to Amazon笑筆 to avoid shortages. This method讀高 is more flexible and easy to m志的anage inventory.