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How to reduce the cost of internatio廠聽nal logistics transportation

time :2022-08-18 author : from: scanning : classify :Logistics Knowledge
What do you need the price, and so對區 this requiremen農麗t is the amount他技 of your big like this, because we n體喝eed to do a statistics, so as 資去long as it is good that y放到ou collect, you consult, take the pa靜自st well well well, 弟員

What do you need the price, and so的民 this requirement is the am匠城ount of your big like this, because 金少we need to do a statis如我tics, so as long a機樂s it is good that you co低站llect, you consult, take the past well用服 well well, statisti窗電cs about our school eac車分h statistics about the qu小和antity of the channel, not to le兵水t the customer delivery, pen見機ding this way tell you, So 房子this thing is a two-way problem, and 拍員it's not easy for湖子 me to ask you to s間鄉ay how much you must 玩業give me, is it?

Like you said, you have to see how mu白火ch the client sends you, righ場近t? Therefore, I am湖醫 within the acceptable ra拍近nge, and I can offer you a fi頻錯xed price, that is, a relativ子但ely favorable price. Does that mean 知著that I can give 匠畫you a range of what size you have?


But if you say becau都訊se of our kind of how來學 do you say, if you really mean that y藍了ou have a lot of書東 goods, let's和東 keep talking, right? To talk ab討工out that more i近可nside, but I can i冷通s based on the c些市urrent standard, you can 遠站give us a discount, that is to say, 說吧we now come to I at least say 喝服that your goods together, you can compa朋美re the price of other們紙s a little disc商裡ount, and then to receive some go吃訊ods, right?

Yeah, yeah, that's 海微what it means. Maybe like, uh,長樹 wait till tomor玩的row, right? There m人分ay be a large quantity of go民民ods when the loan a資低h? For sure, we can't 愛照even talk about that price is goo懂我d, service is good, right?

Actually work with理銀 first class agent 畫樹with secondary if lev校商el of service is not that, we als說可o is not very said that with the村她 level of cooperation, said unl慢遠ess they price is rea影票lly too good, that there is no way to r慢拿efuse, that is the l綠店imitation of customer do no雪場t speak his price is very good刀自, you do of limitation of the right,吃光 but sometimes you say your level of t站行heir performance that, But we do not煙空 necessarily say t公笑hat the time is not as good 數廠as small agents ha數美ve advantages.